Given these hard economic times, people ain't takin no mess, from nobody! Especially when it comes to getting your grub on from the drive-thru value menus. This has led to a recent outbreak of customers rising up against the corporate fat cats to get what they rightfully paid for. There's no time to call those robot 1-800 feedback lines, or fill out the customer service surveys online, you want your food, you paid for it with a ziplock bag of loose change so you go straight to the authorities and call 911! I'm pretty sure I've been stuck in line behind these people my entire life.
Scene of Crime: A&D Buffalo's, Haltom City, Texas
Ordered: Shrimp Fried Rice w/ extra shrimp
Received: Shrimp Fried Rice NO extra shrimp
Damages: loss of $1.62
Sidebar: She did leave with her food, then come back to file the complaint. For all we know she was scamming free shrimp for a cookout down the street.
Scene of Crime: McDonald's, Fort Pierce, Florida
Ordered: 10 piece Chicken Mcnuggets & small fries
Received: citation for misuse of 911
Damages: approx. $5
Sidebar: I'm siding with Latreasa on this one, no nuggs, no refund? ba da ba baa baaa, I'm NOT lovin' it
UPDATE: victim defends her case in an interview, claims "iwantedtohandlemattersinmyownhands" and "i was a young lady and called the police"
You know she saw this commercial one too many times, girrrl you got a 10 piece please don't be stingaaayy...
Scene of Crime: Burger King, Laguna Nigel, California
Ordered: Western BBQ Burger...for her kids she just picked up from Tae-Kwon-Do
Received: Hamburger w/ lettuce, tomato, cheese, onion
Damages: approx. $3
Sidebar: Big ups to the 911 dispatcher on this one, "What are we protecting you from, a wrong cheeseburger?"
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