Weak sauce. Don't believe the hype y'all. Sure this movie is some fun and funny good times, here and there, but it's mostly giggles and shrugs instead of giggles and hugs. I thought 'Old School' was more funny so just cool your summer comedy craving til 'Bruno' or 'Funny People' comes out.
Hey if anyone can relate to this, it's me and my bros. We just celebrated his bachelor party in Vegas, at Cesar's, and I ended up taking a lot of pictures he didn't discover until later. Of course nothing as rediculous as this movie but similar setting. Yeah it's fun watching the mystery unfold as they try to retrace their night but instead of stumbling upon the comedy, it's all forced in your face whether you think it's funny or not. Case in point, Zach Galafanakis...he's a funny comedian, he has funny moments in the movie but all in all his character and bits are so fake and forced it comes across more as the guy who's trryyying to be funny and always failing, like Steve Carrell in Anchorman, random humor, not working. Hey, my faves 'Adventures in Babysitting' and 'Weekend at Bernie's' have a similar premise and everyone holds their own, so it can be done. Ed Helms and Bradley Cooper basically carry the movie, Mike Tyson is awkward but the tiny Asian gangster plays it up nicely. All in all, I say rental with the bros if anything. 'Old School' is superior, so is 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall' and maybe even 'I Love You Man'. Or, just watch 'The Hangover' while you and your friends ARE hungover and you'll have a good time.

Is this a whole new film genre? Boring ass movies to make your children fall asleep? I ain't got kids so I don't know what you modern day folks put them in front of other than Dora the Explorer and Yo Gabba Gabba but shit, if it's nap time turn on some mutha fuckin NAAAARRRNNNIIIIAAA!!! If this can put my nocturnal adult ass to sleep in less than an hour, it will knock your toddler out for 12-15 hours fo sho! Seriously, this movie was so boring I started pacing around my tiny office waiting for a magical Christian special effect to happen and it didn't. Just beavers and foxes chatting in the woods and trite English children complaining about everything. Way to go Disney, greenlighting and throwing a ton of money at this snoozer sequel. I can't say I'm surprised as half-way through reading this book in 5th grade, I decided it was so boring I would give up on the series alltogether and just start going to raves instead. So take that Turkish delight and shove it!

Dudes, this sucks. You see a dream cast of Parker Posey, Amy Poehler, Missi Pyle, Jane Lynch making fun of Girls Gone Wild and it just falls short. It's a great premise but it went straight to DVD, but that's good. The plot just doesn't go anywhere, except to party after party (like the lost series Swingtown) and they can't seem to dig their way out of that. There are some funny scenes but not enough to pull the whole thing off.

This documentary is painful, heartwarming, awkward and inspiring. Of course the mean girl's sister committed suicide, so she can justify being a total bitch for the rest of her life. It sucks the hot dude fell for the artsy girl but then dumped her via text? Loser. The Jock seems nice enough, he's just trying to make something happen. The Zelda nerd is hard to watch but at least he finds his Zelda princess eventually. Hannah, the artsy girl is the best but I lost faith at the end when it said she couldn't handle the west coast, pussy. It's a good documentary but when you start reflecting on your own highschool life, and how much it sucked, i'd rather forget it. And yeah, wtf, no gay kid? If there was he was just background or killed himself or I forgot, but either way, fuck you wanna-be doc version of Harmony Korine 14 years later biased-ass piece shit.
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