Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Welcome to Hooker's Heart of Gold!

Classy, trashy, hipster or ghetto, I'll be updating with my take on anything including movies, TV shows, music, gossip, web junk, videos, fashion, politics, news of the weird and current events. This is my free form commentary on all things old school, middle school, new school, futuristic-end-of-the-world-prophesies, race relations and shitty customer service sound-offs!

So if you like it, link a friend, sit back with a glass of Alize or White Zin+Vodka and get your swerve on! Expect updates 1 - 3 times a week, not every hour, cuz I still need my day job. Comment at will, and if i'm posting anything remotely NSFWish I will say so, even though my blog name is kinda afterhours-ish, it's your call.


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